


    Cultural and creative industries personnel training problem of Yunnan Province


    Cultural and creative industries as rising industry ,plays an increasingly important role in the national economy .Especially in the situation of the global economic crisis ,global set off the upsurge of the knowledge economy.cultural and creative industries is increasingly highlighted the advantages, the importance attached by the countries of the world. Cultural and creative industries have an important significance in promoting economic development, promoting economic structural transformation. Creative person is the core resources of the creative industries .Therefore, the cultural and creative person become the key to the development of creative industries. In this paper, the status of a wide range of cultural and creative person in developed countries and their cultural and creative person training mode, and combing of Yunnan culture and creative industries unique advantages in resources like Minorities, Tourism and Culture then proposing a series of personnel training policy in line with the actual situation in Yunnan Province to promote the creative talents of Yunnan culture.

    Keywords: Cultural and creative industries; Cultural and creative Person; Developed country; Yunnan Province ;Personnel training mode

    目  录

    0引言 1

    1文化创意产业的发展 1

    1.1 文化创意产业的内涵 1

    1.2文化创意产业的发展潜力 1

    1.2.1文化创意产业的发展源起 1

    1.2.2文化创意产业当今发展状况 1

    1.2.3我国文化创意产业发展阶段 2

    2文化创意产业人才发展现状 3

    2.1文化创意人才的内涵 3

    2.1.1文化创意人才的含义 3

    2.1.2文化创意人才的特征与所必备的条件 3

    2.2文化创意产业人才现状 4

    2.2.1文化创意产业人才在世界各国所占比重——以发达国家为例 4

    2.2.2文化创意产业人才在我国的所占比重 5

    2.3我国文化创意人才发展落后的原因 6

    2.3.1文化氛围保守,限制过多 6

    2.3.2教育制度有严重缺陷,缺乏对创意的开发及培养 7

    2.3.3法律法规不完善,缺乏对文化创意成果的保护 7

    2.3.4尚未形成完善的文化创意市场 7


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