


    The New Generation of Protecing Migrant Worker Research in Cheqiao Town,Huai’an City


    The protection of new generation of Migrant Workers become more and more important.The new generation of migrant workers In Cheqiao Town face rights for too long, cost too high, the legitimate rights and interests is difficult to achieve equal rights issues, the reason: the inpidual level, the new generation of migrant workers personal lack of knowledge of the law, the lower the degree of organization; social dimension of generation of migrant workers have a discordant relationship with the employer or employers failed to have broad community support and in-depth attention, social groups also failed to fully play its role; government level, the existing laws and regulations are incomplete, ineffective government regulation and enforcement is not strict. Generation of migrant workers need to enhance their own rights, and actively joined the advocacy group, to participate in human rights activities, and actively seeking a harmonious labor relations and effective social organizations. The government needs to establish a complete labor law system, and to strengthen supervision, and strict law enforcement. Only three joint efforts by inpiduals, society, government, in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of a good majority of the new generation of migrant workers.

    Keywords:new generation;migrant worker; right protection


    0引言 1

      1新生代农民工维权相关概念定义与说明 1

      1.1新生代农民工概述 1

      1.2基本权利概述 2

    2国内相关理论研究综述 2

    3问卷调查结果与分析 3

      3.1调查概况 3

      3.2调查结果 3

    4维权的方式、特征与面临的问题 6

      4.1维权的方式 6

      4.2维权的特征 7

      4.3维权的主要问题 9

    5维权问题产生的原因 10

      5.1个人原因 10

      5.2社会原因 10

      5.3政府原因 12

    6解决维权问题的方法 12

      6.1个人方面 12

      6.2社会方面 13

      6.3政府方面 14

    结  论

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