    关键词:社会工作; 学习型社区;终身教育; 终身学习; 社区教育
    The lifelong education under the perspective of social work---- Take the L community in Shanghai as an example
    Abstract: The 21st century is the time of the rapid development of knowledge and economic. To keep up with the pace of the Times, learning is the only way for adapting to the society and their own development. Developing a learning society and Lifelong Learning is an important concept in the 21st century. In this topic research, I will illustrated by the case of LingYun community. By discussing the practice of residents in community education in constructing learning community,in order to raise some instructional suggestions for the construction of learning community, and to promote the experience of the research.
    This research attempts to base on the view of social work, researching the effect and the contributions of social workers in building the learning community and developing lifelong education, and introduce the concept of social work intervention model.
    In addition, this study will research and discuss the lifelong education on a new point of view, which will broaden the research field and research content. By intervening the model of social work to improve the professionalism and effectiveness of the development of lifelong education work, and achieve "win-win" concept of social workers through learning to adapt the society and improving the comprehensive quality and self value. For all the reasons, studying the lifelong education has an important practical significance to promote the construction of harmonious society and social progress.
    Keywords: Social Work; Learning Community; Lifelong Education; Lifelong Study; Community Education.
       (一) 研究背景 ..5
       (二) 研究意义与研究目的..5
       (三) 研究方法5
       (二) 国内外的研究现状.7
    (三) 终身教育的理论依据..8
       (一) 调研对象的基本状况..10
    (二) 调研结果分析..11
        (一) 社会工作者在终身教育中承担的角色..15
        (二) 终身教育中社工模式的介入.15
        (四) 社区教育存在的主要问题及相关建议..17
    (一) 总结.18
    (二) 研究不足与展望19
    (一) 研究背景
    传统社会中,正规的学校教育是教育的主要途径,21世纪的今天,要适应职业的需求、自身的发展,教育不仅只是单纯的获取知识,而是在于促进一个人的发展。因此,对于教育人类有更高的要求,传统教育已不能满足个人的发展以及社会的需求。十751大报告里也提出要全面建设小康社会的目标,建立现代教育体系,最终目的就是:“要形成全面学习,终身学习的学习型社会。”  发展终身教育是当今社会的必由之路,是社会所需、国家所需、民族所需。终身教育将教育延伸到社会的各个层面,贯彻于人生发展的各个阶段,将人的全面发展放置于整个社会中考虑。任何事物都不是孤立存在的,终身不仅是个人的行为,需要学校、教育机构、社会组织等多方共同连结发展,它不仅仅是教育学的问题,更是一个社会学的问题。
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