



    毕业论文关键词:激励;激励机制; 企业; 激励因素

    Abstract With the arrival of the economic globalization,the minor enterprise have to improve their core competitiveness to be in a dominant position in the fierce market competition. Effective human resource management is an important part to improve the competitiveness of enterprises, and it is also a key factor in the development of enterprises. Whatever it is the key point that enterprises have a set of scientific,systematic,institutionalized of employee motivation system. The incentive system of the enterprise is to combine their own characteristics and the needs of employees. Lay down incentive factors correctly to the staff to maximize the initiative and creativity of the staff to enable the enterprises and employees be developed on the basis of the original.

       Of course,the effetive operation of the system and the benefits arising from the enterprise are more important than the system itself. At present, the employee motivation system of the minor enterprise still exist many problems. Following are the mainly problems :enterprises ignoring their own charateristics and goals; incentive system is blind and excessive and same as the system of rewards and penalties; ignoring the hierarchy and inpidual difference of the incentive object; measures are single and identical that some do not consider the inner demand of the staff; all these led to the failure of the implementation of the system. Therefore, it is necessary to study the employees incentive mechanism of the minor enterprises of our country.

    In view of this,this article according to the author’s own internship experience in City Industrial Development Co.of West City to study on the design of the emplyees incentive mechanism by collecting the enterprise’s employees motivation system and the basic situation and adopting the research menthod of literature review, theoretical research, case analysis etc. Hope the research results can provide some reference for the research of the enterprise employee’s incentive mechanism system.

    Keyword: incentive; incentive mechanism system;  the enterprises; excitiation mechanisms;

    目    录



        1.2 研究内容5

        1.3 研究方法5

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