
    摘要我国是世界上煤与瓦斯突出最为严重的国家之一,瓦斯突出危险性预测是防突工作的首要环节。根据导致煤与瓦斯突出发生的主要因素,确定合适的突出危险性预测指标和指标的临界值,是指导突出防治工作的重要技术基础。煤层突出危险性预测分为两种:区域危险性预测和工作面危险性预测。本文以卧龙湖8煤层为研究对象,对局部预测环节中的各预测指标的敏感性进行定量分析,用于指导矿井安全生产,论文主要内容如下: 47254





    China is one of the nations that have grievous coal and outburst problem, gas outburst prediction is the first and most important step of outburst prevention. In the processing of underground mining, according to the risk factors leading to coal and gas outburst, selecting appropriate sensitive index and its critical value for the forecast of risk of gas outburst are the important technical foundation work to guide preventing outburst. Gas outburst prediction contains regional prediction and local prediction, The paper cuttings of local forecasting index, determine the Wolong Lake coal mine 8 sensitivity of predicting coal seam outburst.

     First of all, the paper summarizes research on prediction. Secondly, the Wolong Lake coal mine is combined with outstanding analysis of the leading factors of 8 coal seam outburst. And 8 gas occurrence law and field-proven analysis, analysis of the index system of regional and local indicators. Later using a laboratory experiment and the mathematical statistics method to comparatively analyze the connection between sensitive index Δh2 and K1 of the Wolong Lake coal seam 8 desorption, identify their sensitive indicators. According to the data, finally get the conclusion : In laboratory experiments and field data in two methods of mathematical statistics, predictors of K1 and Δh2 can be used as a coal mining working face with outburst sensitive index. And drilling bits s can better detect mine site in-situ stress conditions.

    The paper has 24 references.

    Key words:Coal and gas outburst; index system; outburst prediction; sensitive index

    目  录

    摘  要 1

    1绪论 1

    1.1 突出预测研究现状及发展趋势 1

    1.1.1国外突出预测研究现状 1

    1.1.2国内煤与瓦斯突出工作面预测指标研究现状 2

    1.2 研究内容与目的 3

    2 卧龙湖矿井概况 4

    2.1 煤层地质 4

    2.1.1 煤层

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