



    Abstract:Last 20 years has witnessed a rapid progress on Internet in the mainland. As an emerging form of Internet product, social media and social network have penetrated into all aspects of our daily lives. Meanwhile, QQ, Weibo and other social media websites or apps have been more and more popular.

    At the same time, the reform of market economy has been into a new phase. Society transformation accelerated, rising comprehensive strength, promoting quality of live. Many people who are above poverty threshold shift their focus from survival need into higher-level needs. Happily, more and more people are keen on music-related social apps. From the macro perspective, Chinese culture industries are towards right track. The Voice of China, I Am a Singer and other TV programs are accepted by audiences.

    This essay focusses on the user experience of a famous app entitled Changba. It aims at assessing a decent user experience level objectively through document research, analysis of application and survey. At last, I will release a promotion scheme on the user experience of Changba.

    毕业论文关键词:互联网; 社交媒体; 社交网站; 用户体验;音乐应用

    Keywords:Internet; Social media; Social network; Users Experience; 


    1.引言 4

    1.1研究背景和意义 4

    1.2研究内容 4

    1.3研究需解决的问题 4

    1.4研究方法 5

    1.5技术路线 5

    1.6研究存在的问题 5

    1.7本文创新点 6

    2.文献综述 7

    2.1社交网站和社交媒体的定义 7

    2.2社交网站和社交媒体的特性 8

    2.3国内外关于社交网站的研究 9

    2.4用户体验的定义 10

    2.5国内外关于用户体验的研究 10

    2.6不足与展望 10

    3.现状 10

    3.1音乐类社交媒体的现状 10

    3.2唱吧的基本情况研究 11

    4 调查问卷设计与信息搜集 11

    4.1调查问卷设计以及调查方式 11

    4.2用户体验的基本维度设定 12

    4.3数据搜集和数据分析 13


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