    摘要:    旅游并非是刚性需求,但它可以提高人民的生活质量和品质,有利于社会主义精神文明的建设和完善,通过近些年的境外旅游的不断增加,也有利于整个世界的经济和社会的发展。从团队旅游数量的增加和公司活动的增加和要求的不断提高,旅游消费已经成为一种持续性的消费需求,这使得旅游业越来越成为消费者日常生活和社交活动的必需品,也使得旅游业有非常强大的抵御风险的能力。从消费者对旅游的消费模式的改变,旅游业的发展不再是一个简单的供需关系,而是从消费者的角度出发,不断挖掘消费者的潜在需求和创造出消费者新的需求。这也是对传统旅游业巨大的冲击,从根本来说,旅游业是一个综合性的服务性行业,要在每个环节都有创新和改造,才能不断满足消费者日益增长的各种需求。 从现在的旅游业的发展来看,各大旅行社都在不断提高旅游产品的品质和等级,但往往硬件跟不上软件的更新。所以说我国的旅游业处于发展的关键期,也到了转型的萌芽期。对于旅游业的发展,现在存在巨大的发展机遇,但同样如此也存在着严峻的挑战。在此背景下,本毕业论文从各种方面阐述传统旅游业所面临的困境,并提出意见和建议。在所阐述的问题中提出对新型旅游业的畅想,在某种程度上具有一定的可行性,其中是从电子商务,假日旅游,消费者期望价值三个方面进行论述。7222
    The Plight of Traditional Tourism and Exploration of New types of Tourism
    Abstract:     Tourism is not the rigid demand, but it can improve people's quality of life and quality, conducive to the construction and perfection of a Socialist, by increasing outbound tourism in recent years and are conducive to economic and social development of the entire world.Team travel and an increase in corporate activity and increased number of requests increase, tourist spending has become a continuing consumer demand, which makes tourism is increasingly becoming consumer necessities of daily life and social activities, making tourism industry has a very strong ability to resist risks.From the changes in the consumption pattern of consumers on tourism, the development of tourism is no longer a simple supply and demand, but rather from the perspective of consumers, struggling to uncover the potential demand of the consumer and create a new consumer demand.It is also the traditional tourism-huge impact, fundamentally speaking, tourism is a comprehensive set of service industries in every aspect of innovation and transformation, in order to constantly meet the growing needs of consumers.From now on the development of tourism, the tour operators are constantly improving the quality of tourism products and grades, but often hardware to keep up with software updates.So at a critical period in the development of the tourism industry in our country, to the dawn of the transition period.For the development of the tourism industry, now there is a huge opportunity, but likewise there are also serious challenges.In this context, this paper described the dilemma facing traditional tourism, with its observations and recommendations.New type of tourism in the issues set out in the imagination, has some viability to a certain extent, which is from e-commerce, holiday travel, consumers expect value discussed in three ways.
    Keywords:    raditional tourism, New tourism, development trend, countermeasure analysis
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    论文研究的目的和背景    1
    1.2    论文的研究方法和主要内容    1
    1.3    论文主要内容    1
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