    关键字: 城镇化;户籍政策;新型城镇化;城镇化质量
    Urbanization problems and the government countermeasure research
    Abstract:Since the reform and opening of China, the urbanization process has made astounding advances. By the end of 2012, Chinese urban population has reached 712 million, and urbanization rate has achieved the world's average level which whom increased to 52.57%. Judged by the space form standard、development trend and the demographic situation of urban,China has entered the primary urban society. However,judged by the lifestyle、social culture and the coordination standard of Urban and rural,china hasn't been a urban society yet. It means that the increase of the quality of urbanization from china doesn’t keep pace with its urbanization level, urbanization rate and the quality does not match. At the same time, there are kind of different problems in the each process of urbanization, the present paper analyses these problems and tries to explore a method to solve it by combined with government policy. The results show that china should pay more attention on new-type urbanization construction and the synchronization of urbanization in promoting urbanization construction in the future.
    Keywords: Urbanization;Household Registration Policy;New-type urbanization;The quality of urbanization
    一、绪论    - 1 -
    (一)、 研究意义及研究问题    - 1 -
    1、 研究的意义与创新    - 1 -
    2、 研究问题与方法    - 1 -
    (二)、 城镇化的含义    - 2 -
    1、 城镇化的概念与核心    - 2 -
    2、 城镇化的具体表现与重要标志    - 2 -
    二、中国城镇化现状与亚洲其他国家城市化对比    - 3 -
    (一)、 中国城镇化的现状分析    - 3 -
    (二)、 中国城镇化亚洲其他国家的比较    - 3 -
    1、 韩国、印度城市化存在的问题及启示    - 4 -
    2、 日本房产泡沫给中国城镇化的启示    - 4 -
    三、 历年政府政策与中国城镇化主要问题    - 5 -
    (一)、 影响城镇化发展的相关政策及历史沿革    - 5 -
    1、 抑制城镇化发展阶段    - 5 -
    2、 推动城镇化发展阶段    - 6 -
    3、 引导城镇化发展阶段    - 7 -
    (二)、 城镇化进程中产生的主要问题    - 8 -
    1、 城镇化质量问题——新型城镇化应该以质量为重    - 8 -
    2、 失地农民问题急需解决    - 10 -
    2、 环境污染问题不可忽视    - 11 -
    四、中国城镇化未来发展方向展望    - 13 -
    (一)、 短期内中国城镇化总体布局变动不大    - 13 -
    1、 布局变动趋势    - 13 -
    2、 对合理布局的探讨    - 13 -
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