    关键词   类家庭模式  成年孤儿  社会支持  社工介入
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title   The model analysis and social workers involvement of imitating family for adult orphans under the social support theory                                                     
                       ——A Case Study of “imitating family program” in Zhangjiagang Children’s Welfare Institute                                                   
    In recent several years, in developed city of China, some welfare institutes began to adopt the imitating family model in order to solve the problem of adult orphans’ placement. However, the existing research couldn’t make us know more about this model or tell its effect completely.
    Therefore, with the “imitating family program” in Zhangjiagang Children’s Welfare Institute for example, after joining this program directly and getting data from the interview and observation of three adult orphans and some relative staff, this paper will answer the following questions under the social support perspective:
    Whether the adult orphans who are in such model can receive enough social supports from welfare institute, social workers’ service and their personal relationship network and whether all those supports can be utilized effectively in order to help orphans solve problem and difficulties; whether the institute can get enough social supports and utilize them with effect to realize the model’s effects and development.
    This thesis also aims to make contribution to the imitating family model’s further application by making suggestions on the involvement of social workers.
    Keywords :adult orphans   imitating family model   social support  social worker involvement
     目   次  
    1引言  1
    1.1 选题背景  1
    1.1.1 现实背景  1
    1.1.2 研究背景  1
    1.2 问题的提出  2
    1.3 研究目的及意义  2
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