    关键词  知识型员工 创新意愿 计划行为理论
     毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title    Analysis of the fators of knowledge workers’ desere of innovation
    Based on innovation as the theme of the era of knowledge economy, knowledge workers’ innovative ability is very important. The paper first reviews the knowledge workers and innovation theory during domestic and foreign, then taking knowledge-based employees' willingness to innovate as the object of study, using semi-structured interviews, reference to the theories of motivation, theory of planned behavior to study the internal motivation and external motivation , subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and innovative behavior attitude and willingness to innovate. The interview results show that internal motivation, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control as well as innovative behavior and attitude, have a significant positive effect on the willingness to innovate, while the influence of external motivation is not obvious. Finally, the article gives the management advice based on interviews,.
    Keywords  Knowledge work  Willingness to innovate  Theory of planned behavior
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  研究方法    1
    文献综述    2
    2.1 关于知识型员工的研究    2
    2.2 关于创新理论的研究    3
    2.3 关于创新者特征的研究    3
    2.4 研究模型理论综述    5
    2.5 国内研究成果    7
    3 研究模型与研究假设    8
    3.1 研究思路    8
    3.2 研究模型    8
    3.3 研究假设    9
    4 研究设计和调查方法    11
    4.1 变量定义    11
    4.2 研究对象和调查方法    14
    4.3 可信度分析    15
    5 分析与讨论    16
    5.1 分析    16
    6 结论与建议    19
    6.1 结论    19
    6.2 管理建议    21
    6.3 研究局限    22
    结语    23
    致谢    24
    参考文献    25
    1  绪论
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