    关键词: 移动互联网;企业;市场营销;应用4043
    Mobile Internet application in Marketing
    Abstract: As of June 2012, the scale of mobile Internet users in China reached 388 million, netizens accounted for using mobile phone access to the Internet users has reached 72.2%, more than desktop computers for the first time, became the first big Internet terminals in China's Internet users. Mobile application bring the number of users and traffic is growing rapidly, the mobile terminal access number has more than PC, using time and access to the page number, the end of December last year end handsets also slightly more than computer. It is a trend with the popularity of the mobile Internet will be more obvious. The vigorous development of mobile Internet and the development of the grand blueprint for the enterprise represents a whole new world of the future, in the face of such a large user base, above the mobile Internet is what kind of marketing opportunities and pattern? How to make use of mobile Internet marketing, naturally become worth thinking about. Today in the new media technology led the network era, information transmission channels is undergoing earth-shaking changes, especially in the mobile communications and the Internet has become the world's fastest growing, largest market potential, prospects for the most attractive business, their growth speed is any prediction of the unforeseen, so I can foresee the mobile Internet will create an unprecedented economic myths.
    Key words: Mobile Internet;enterprise;marketing;application
    目  录
    一、绪论                             1
    (一)移动互联网的基本特点                    1
    (二)移动互联网的应用领域                    1
    二、移动互联网的现状以及未来的发展趋势              3
    (一)我国移动互联网的现状分析                  3
    (二)我国移动互联网的未来发展趋势分析              4
    三、移动互联网下的市场营销模式选择                6
    (一)移动互联网下的市场营销模式种类               6
    (二)移动互联网在企业市场营销中的运用              7
  1. 上一篇:互联网环境下的百货商店营销新模式分析
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