
    Enterprise staff to assist with the development: social work professional practice and practical path

    Abstract: Today's social pressure will occur, although the people's living standards improve, but all aspects of the effects of stress are followed. In this paper, to assist with the development of employees starting to stress relaxation camp, for example, the use of the corporate social work professional knowledge and skills of today's corporate staff groups for social assistance, and the work of the professional practice of corporate social and practical path be explored. This paper argues that corporate social work's objective is to take care of the feelings of employees, their personal development and personal experience is very important, as far as possible in the activities of employees perspective of its problems, and propose a reasonable solution in order to achieve the purpose of self-reliance and trying to improve the existing employees to assist deficiencies and Discussion stress this problem solutions and expertise.

    Key words: Employee assistance and development; corporate social work; professional practice; practice path; pressure to relax camp

    目  录
    一、研究的背景与问题的提出                       1
    (一)研究的背景                             1
    (二)问题的提出                             2
    二、文献回顾与述评                          3
    (一)文献回顾                             3
    (二)文献述评                             4
    三、研究路径与方法                          5
    四、“压力放松营”项目概观与实务探索                    6
    (一)项目概观                             6
    (二)实务探索                             7
    五、企业员工协助与发展的专业实践                   8
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