

    毕业论文关键词: 电子支付;电子商务;电子支付安全;支付风险防范

    Abstract  With the changing times and the rapid development of Internet technology,Network financial services industry is rapidly rising, become a very important development trend in the electronic commerce industry. The introduction of relevant laws, regulate the electronic payment market in China to a certain extent, Set up people's confidence in electronic payments. However, compared with the rapid development of e-commerce, the security of electronic payment is still very prominent. A serious threat to the security of electronic payment including legitimate businesses and consumers, eroding the consumers for the electronic payment of trust. It is urgent to solve the problem of electronic payment security in our country. In existing in the current electronic payment security issues for in-depth analysis and discussion, and how to solve these problems, improve the security of electronic payment put forward their own proposals and views, in order to improve the security of electronic commerce, so as to continuously promote and facilitate China's e-commerce industry security, stability and sustainable development.

    KeyWords:electronic payment;Electronic Commerce;word;Prevention strategy 

    目   录

    引言 3

    一、  绪论 4

    (一) 研究背景 4

    (二) 研究目的及意义 4

    (三) 研究现状 6

    1、 国外电子支付的研究现状 6

    2、 国内电子支付的研究现状 6

    二、 电子支付安全概述 8

    (一) 电子支付的概念及特征 8

    1、 电子支付的概念 8

    2、 电子支付的特征 8

    (二) 电子支付安全风险现状 9

    三、 电子支付安全风险来源分析 11

    (一) 银行账号和密码安全 11

    (二) 计算机系统软件安全威胁 11

    1、操作系统自身体系结构不安全 12

    2、计算机软件存在安全漏洞和质量问题 12

    3、其他原因 13

    (三)  网络传输过程中的电子支付安全风险 13


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