
    摘要: 随着各国零售业全球化的发展及扩张,零售业市场状态日新月异,竞争逐渐进入焦灼化。许多零售企业实行自有品牌战略,以此来突破与同行竞争的焦灼状态。零售商创建自有品牌,不仅能利用自己的渠道优势,削减成本,提高利润率,同时还可依靠高口碑的自有品牌提高自身的企业形象,培养店铺的忠实顾客。近年来,市场上商品同质化程度较高,而创建自有品牌无疑是零售商走差异化路线的有力武器,越来越多的零售企业开始研发具有自身特色的自有品牌,因此对零售企业创建自有品牌的研究具有重要意义。49237



    Study On The Building Of Retail Enterprises' Private Brand


    With the globalization trend of retail enterprises, the retail market has experienced tremendous changes and a large number of retail enterprises will face intense competition. Many retail enterprises implement private brands strategies to enhance competitiveness. Building private brands can not only help retail enterprises to cut cost and increase profits, but also help them set up outstanding image and develop loyal customers by welcome private brand commodities. Concerning the high commodity homogeneity in the market, an increasing number of retail enterprises build private brands and take them as power tools to make a difference. Above all, it is meaningful to make a study on how to build private brands for retail enterprises.   

    Firstly, this article would state the background ,the meaning of building private brands and views from scholars, and then raise some research methods and main contents. Secondly, this paper would introduce the concept, characteristics, and development status of private brands from domestic and overseas, and then figure out the background of building private brands overseas and the actual condition of building them domestic. Thirdly, studying the economic environment, suppliers, consumers, and the enterprise's conditions how to affect the building of the private brand is the most important part. Lastly, come up with strategic mode and give some scientific methods of building private brands with these matters.

    Key Words: Retail enterprises;Private brand;Setting up of brand

    目  录




    一、 导论1





    二、 零售企业自有品牌的内涵及发展现状-4





    三、 零售企业自有品牌创建要素分析-7




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