

    毕业论文关键字:中小银行; 现实竞争力; 潜在竞争力  

     A  Study of the Competitiveness Evaluation of Small and Medium Sized Banks


    Based on the present situation and significance of research on the competitiveness of commercial bank, on the basis of the analysis of relevant research review, the competitiveness and potential competitiveness as the theoretical basis for the evaluation of small and medium sized banks competitiveness, focus on profitability, liquidity, security capability, governance ability, human resources ability and innovation ability of several levels, choose the relative evaluation index should be to construct the evaluation system of small and medium banks and selected 7 small and medium-sized banks, 4 joint-stock banks and 3 local city banks, analyzing and evaluating the comprehensive competitive strength by using empirical coefficient of variation method and compared with the analysis method of small and medium banks in our country, the small and medium-sized banks the competitiveness of the evaluation results, there is still a certain distance from the comprehensive competitiveness of small and medium-sized banks and state-owned commercial banks, And small and medium-sized banks in the level of competition ability is relatively dispersed, the level of development of various small and medium banks is not balanced, competitive strength. Finally, according to the results of empirical analysis, the from the enhancement of small and medium-sized banks internal competitiveness and strengthen the small and medium-sized banks external financial environment of the two aspects of small and medium-sized banks in the future growth and development put forward corresponding countermeasures.

    Key Words:small and medium-sized banks;  real competitiveness;  potential competitiveness

     目  录

    摘要 1

    Abstract 2

    目录 3

    一、引言 4

    (一)研究目的和意义 4

    (二)国内外研究现状 4

    (三)研究框架和研究方法 6

    二、中小银行的概述及商业银行竞争力分析的理论基础 8

    (一)中小银行的内涵 8

    (二)商业银行竞争力分析的理论基础 8

    三、中小银行竞争力的评价方法及构建 10

    (一)中小银行竞争力常见的评价方法 10


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