



    毕业论文关键词:  供应链质量管理  质量绩效指标   质量绩效评价

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title   Performance Evaluation of Supply Chain Quality  

    Abstract In recent years, With the continuously developing of economic globalization and marketization, there’re increasing competition among enterprises, hence the supply chain and supply chain quality management concepts come into being. Enterprises' effectiveness and competitiveness will be greatly improved if effective management is implemented. However, supply chain quality performance measurement is one of effective ways for supply chain quality management, Implementation scientific and effective supply chain quality performance measurement have a great significance.

    In this paper, based on extensive reading and analysis of home and abroad supply chain quality management and supply chain performance measurement. From this point of view, we set the quality and performance evaluation, and build the evaluation model on the basis of this which from the perspective of regression analysis.

    This paper using the model of the sample enterprises in the supply chain performance evaluation to verify the practicability and feasibility of this model. The article seeks to comprehensive and improve for supply chain performance measurement.

    KEY WORDS:  Supply chain quality management  Quality Performance Indicators  Quality Performance Evaluation

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  选题背景及意义 1

    1.2  文献综述 1

    1.3  研究方法和主要内容 5

    2  供应链质量绩效评价相关理论基础 5

    2.1  供应链质量管理的主要内容 6

    2.2  供应链质量绩效评价主要内容 8

    2.3  本章小结 11

    3  供应链质量绩效评价建模 11

    3.1  评价模型指标体系的构建 11

    3.2  指标的无量纲处理 15

    3.3  供应链绩效评价模型构建 17

    4  质量绩效评价模型应用 19

    4.1  评价企业简介 19

    4.2  供应链质量绩效评价 20

    5  结论与展望 22

    5.1  结论 22

    5.2  展望 23

    致  谢 24


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