


    毕业论文关键词  人才测评方法  应届毕业生  特点  

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Talent Assessment Research of fresh Graduates                     


    21st century business competition ultimately is the talent competition. As one of the most important talents source for enterprises, the graduates are getting more and more attention. It is vital for enterprises to select suitable outstanding graduate. It is worthy for human resource managers and theorists to study and explore which talent evaluation method can be faster, more effective and more targeted selection of outstanding graduate talent for selecting.

    Based on the relevant theory, this paper focuses on how to use personnel evaluation method more effectively in campus recruitment. This paper is pided into five parts. The first part of this paper introduces the research background, significance of the study and content frame. The second part introduces the modern talent assessment methods. The third part analysis the characteristics and employment characteristics of the fresh graduates. The fourth part is the focal point of this paper, introducing the implementation process and the issues needed to be paid attention when using graduates talent evaluation method in campus recruitment. The last part is the summary of this article

    Keywords  talent assessment methods  fresh graduates  characteristic


    目录 1

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究意义 3

    1.3  研究内容与框架 4

    2  现代人才测评方法概述 5

    2.1  心理测验 5

    2.1.1  认知测验 5

    2.1.2  人格测验 5

    2.1.3  心理测验的优缺点 6

    2.2  面试 6

    2.3  评价中心技术 7

    2.3.1  公文筐测验 8

    2.3.2  无领导小组讨论 8

    3  应届本科生自身特点及就业特点分析 11

    3.1  应届本科生自身特点分析 11

    3.2  应届本科生就业特点分析 12

    3.2.1  供需矛盾突出 12

    3.2.2  社会对毕业生的要求越来越高

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