


        本文主要的研究成果如下:针对FCM聚类算法的初始聚类中心的随机性和易陷入局部最优解的缺点,提出了一种改进的FCM聚类算法,新算法运用精简数据的基本思想,提出了一种选择初始聚类中心点的方法,获得了一种改进的FCM聚类算法。该算法首先利用精简数据的基本思想,将数据集精简并得到初始聚类中心点集合,将产生的聚类中心提供给FCM 算法进行再次聚类。经过通过计算机仿真实验和与其他方法的对比分析验证了该方法的有效性和正确性。


    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

       With the real-life decision-making to enhance the complexity of the problem, the personnel involved in decision-making and more complex objects, by a single or a few large groups of decision-makers become complicated. Large target groups in the information, capabilities, goals and behavior, and so has the persity and distribution, the performance of members of the sources of heterogeneity, conflict of interest, evaluation form differences, coordination complexity. To make the right decisions, to achieve effective coordination groups, it is necessary for an understanding of object classification feature, so the first thing to do is to conduct a large-scale clustering service objects, large group objects upcoming evaluation information by member similarity pided into a number of relatively small number of the congregation.

        Currently there are many studies about clustering, but clustering on large groups rarely, the general algorithm clustering algorithm widespread poor scalability, easy to fall into local and other issues, large-scale group clustering NA, in this paper, this case focuses on the FCM clustering algorithm is poor scalability and easy to fall into local  and other issues, and for the shortcomings of the original algorithm has been improved. Firstly, the study of large group decision clustering problem related literature are described in detail, and again on the basis of a more detailed description of the definition and classification of clustering algorithm, then this defect for FCM clustering algorithm has been improved, better algorithm to solve the original defect, and through the simulation results show that this algorithm.

    In this paper, the research results are as follows: For the FCM clustering algorithm randomness of the initial cluster centers and easy to fall into local optimal solution shortcomings, an improved FCM clustering algorithm, the new algorithm uses the basic idea of streamlining the data, presents a selection of the initial cluster center, we obtain an improved FCM clustering algorithm. The algorithm uses the basic idea of streamlining the data, the data set and get the initial clustering centers to streamline the collection, the resulting cluster centers to FCM clustering algorithm again. After the computer simulation experiments and comparative analysis with other methods to verify the effectiveness and correctness.

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