

    毕业论文关键词: 上海自贸区;企业客户关系管理;企业实施绩效;SPSS分析

    Comparative Study of customer relationship management and policy implementation performance Shanghai FTA

    Abstract:In this study, Shanghai FTA enterprises sample survey, its main business characteristics, environmental characteristics affect the four major aspects of the production, customer relationship management and business-to-business implementation performance, through the award and returned questionnaires, data collection analysis by SPSS analysis of factors affecting the Shanghai FTA enterprise customer relationship management research, specific analysis method is correlation and regression analysis. We concluded that the key factors affecting the enterprise customer relationships, summarizing and concluded that proposed for rational management of enterprise customers as well as the implementation of effective performance between the recommendations. Meanwhile, we hope to provide some feasible strategies and methods for the future development of China's enterprises, the conclusions reached on the FTA targeted implementation.

    Key Words: Shanghai Free-Trade Zone;Customer Relationship Management;Enterprise Implementation Of Performance;SPSS Analysis

    目   录

    一 绪论 1

    (一) 研究动机 1

    (二) 研究目的和意义 2

    (三) 研究流程 2

    文献探讨 3

    (一) 客户关系管理系统 3

    1、客户关系管理的系统定义 3

    2、客户关系管理的发展现状 4

    3、客户关系管理的绩效评估 5

    (二) 企业实施绩效 5

    1、企业绩效评估 5

    2、企业绩效评估的意义 6

    3、企业绩效管理对策分析 6

    三 研究过程 8

    (一) 研究介绍 8

    (二) 研究内容及对象 8

    (三) 研究架构 9

    (四) 研究变数 9

    (五) 研究假设 10

    四 研究结果 11

    (一) 叙述统计 11

    (二) 信度检验 12

    (三) 各构面的相关系数 12

    (四) 回归分析 13

    五 研究总结 15

    (一) 结论 15

    (二) 建议

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