


    Problems and Countermeasures of J company's Campus Recruitment

    Abstract: With the development and progress of modern society, human resources have become the key resources of enterprises in the fierce competition, so that it is in a favorable position. Today's campus recruitment has become the main recruitment channels, so it should be clear to the long-term development of enterprises, an important strategic significance. Based on the current J company, there is a lack of overall demand for campus recruitment plan, the attention of the campus recruitment is not enough, the promotion of recruitment information is not enough and the targeted is not strong, and so on. Mainly to take a focus on the company's recruitment needs analysis, the promotion of enterprise recruitment information in a timely manner to improve the efficiency of the recruitment, to achieve the "person post match" effect. In order to improve the effectiveness of the recruitment of enterprises, promote the successful development of campus recruitment, and further complement the enterprise's human resources.

    Key Words: Campus recruitment; Optimization; Human resource management 

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、校园招聘的概述 2

    (一)校园招聘的内涵与要求 2

    (二)校园招聘的主要形式 2

    (三)校园招聘的过程 3

    二、J公司校园招聘的现状 4

    (一)J公司概况简介 4

    (二)J公司招聘时间安排 4

    (三)J公司校园招聘流程 5

    三、J公司校园招聘存在的问题 6

    (一)对校园招聘重视程度不够 6

    (二)招聘过程冗长 6

    (三)缺乏长期招聘需求计划 6

    (四)校园招聘方式单一 7

    (五)筛选手段的科学性不够 7

    四、J公司校园招聘对策分析 7

    (一)提高对校园招聘的重视 7

    (二)缩短招聘时间 8

    (三)制定合适的招聘需求计划 9

    (四)采取多样化的校园招聘方式 10

    (五)提高招聘的科学性 11

    参考文献 13

    致  谢 14


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