


    Taking the northwest outskirts of a city’s landless peasants as the main research object, this paper explored the interest demand problems of the farmers who lost their land in the urbanization process. By way of visiting investigation and questionnaire survey, it was obtained and analyzed the situation which was about their daily life. Basing on investigation, the problems reflected by the land-lost farmers were collated. After comparative analysis of the results and problems obtained in the interview, the gap between realistic interest requests of the farmers and government performance was also discussed, and then corresponding ideas and measures would be given. This will definitely promote and consummate our country safeguard measures about the benefits of land-lost farmers of northwest area, and thus promote the development of the moderately prosperous society in our country.

    毕业论文关键词:失地农民; 利益诉求; 城镇化

    Keyword:land—lost peasants;interests demands;the process of urbanization

    目    录

    一、导论 5

    (一)相关概念的界定 5

    1、利益诉求 5

    2、近郊失地农民及其利益诉求 5

    (二)问题的提出 6

    1、失地农民利益诉求问题的发展 6

    2、失地农民利益诉求的维度分析 7

    3、近郊失地农民利益诉求的新变化 8

    4、失地农民利益诉求现实意义 9

    二、彭家坪镇近郊失地农民利益诉求问题调查分析 9

    (一)彭家坪镇地理概况介绍 10

    (二)被调查对象特征分析 10

    1、被调查对象特征 10

    2、资料收集与分析 10

    (三)被调查对象失地前后生活状况分析 11

    1、物质生活 11

    2、社会公共服务 12

    (四)被调查地区失地农民总体利益诉求问题概况分析 14

    1、拆迁补助问题 14

    2、收入、就业保障问题 14

    3、居住环境 15

    4、办事问题 15

    (五)调查小结 15

    1、近郊失地农民利益诉求问题 15

    2、当地政府的表现 15

    三、西北地区近郊失地农民的利益诉求问题及其成因 16

    (一)多元利益诉求下,失地农民利益诉求的主要问题 16


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