

    With the development of the Internet and information technologies advance, coupled with the growing importance of the offline business network driver role, China's catering O2O through thinking about users' needs, and take advantage of the huge mobile end-user community advantage of the rapid development in recent years. Based on the existing status quo O2O catering, models and patterns further analysis, summarized the mainstream of the domestic food O2O mode of development, characteristics and situations related to "Eleme" as an example analyzes the "Eleme" blockbuster features and its development development process advantages and drawbacks. In-depth study of the new network environment catering O2O appear loyal customers of dips and other issues involved in trying to maintain and enhance the dining O2O mode and route customer loyalty. O2O as a domestic food industry to maintain customer loyalty and promotion to further integrate, standardize and promote the food and beverage industries and enterprises O2O self-improvement and development of the legal system under the policy, consumer watchdog feasible suggestions.

    毕业论文关键词:  新型餐饮O2O; 客户忠诚度; 饿了么

    Keyword:   domestic food O2O; customer loyalty;Eleme

    目    录

    第1章  引言 4

    1.1 选题背景及意义 4

    1.2研究内容 5

    1.3研究方法 5

    第2章 文献综述 6

    2.1餐饮O2O模式简介 6

    2.2 国内餐饮O2O发展现状 7

    2.3客户忠诚度分析 8

    第3章 餐饮O2O 8

    3.1国内餐饮O2O基本模式 9

    3.2以“BAT”为代表的主流餐饮O2O 9

    3.2.1百度在百度外卖的战略 9

    3.2.2腾讯在美团外卖的战略 10

    3.2.3阿里巴巴在口碑外卖的战略 10

    3.3“饿了么”的发展模式和优劣势分析 13

    第4章 餐饮O2O客户忠诚度面临的问题、现状分析 13

    4.1客户忠诚度对餐饮O2O的作用 14

    4.2 利用调查问卷分析餐饮O2O客户忠诚度面临的问题 14

    4.2.1 直观的用户使用习惯背景数据统计分析 15

    4.2.2 以“饿了么”为例的外卖平台数据使用情况 16

    4.2.3 体验性数据分析

  1. 上一篇:城镇化进程中兰州近郊失地农民利益诉求调查
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