


    毕业论文关键词:外卖平台; 用户体验; 用户忠诚; 影响

    ABSTRACT With the rapid development of the Internet technology, the traditional take-away form has gradually disappeared from people’s sight. Recently, there are many users using online takeaway platform to order the food, which bears the huge commercial interests so that more and more companies add to the takeaway platform camp. However, in order to seize the market and retain customers, there has been a "burn" war between companies. But for many users, the actual experience is not very well, the relationship between the platform and the users is not stable. How to provide quality of service experience to attract customers and maintain user loyalty has become the most important issue to takeaway platform. Therefore, this paper discusses the impact of user experience on user loyalty which has the important practical significance.

    The article, firstly, based on the theoretical background of user experience and user loyalty, this paper puts forward the problem of this paper based on the actual market situation. Secondly, it is a summary of the relevant literature research, then puts forward five dimensions of the user experience. Third, based on the review of the literature, this study discusses the practical relationship between the two, and then builds up the model among user experience and user loyalty, puts forward the hypotheses. In addition, design of the corresponding questionnaire, through a questionnaire survey to the users, and use SPSS20.0 software to analyze the data in order to find out the impact of takeout platform’s user experience on user loyalty. Finally, according to the findings, find out the existing shortcomings, and put forward the corresponding solutions and prospects.  

    Keywords: Takeout Platform; User Experience; User loyalty; Influence

    目  录

    摘  要 III


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1选题背景及问题提出 1

    1.1.1选题背景 1

    1.1.2问题提出 1

    1.2研究目的及意义 2

    1.2.1研究目的 2


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