    内容摘要本次毕业设计所选的题目为 “美作文化发展有限公司无锡地区品牌形象提升传播策划全案”,客户为无锡美作文化发展有限公司。美作文化发展有限公司是2007 年在无锡成立的,主要以家装彩绘产品为对象进行推广。无锡地区属于南方地区,经济相对发达,消费者的消费水平较高,对文化类产品的需求更加大。彩绘作为新兴潮流的事物,更易于在经济发达的地方推广。我们收集了大量一手、二手资料,为了制定更加准确合适的营销方案,我们开展了为期三个月市场调研活动。通过前期的资料搜集与后期的分析,得出了较为精确的目标消费者、目标市场的结论。并提出“七星级的彩绘体验”的品牌形象以及 “永久质保” 的理念, 为美作文化发展有限公司更好的在无锡地区的宣传、推广做好准备。再配合公关活动,以“夜光彩绘”为主题的公益活动,通过线上媒体与线下媒体的结合,加深消费者对美作文化发展有限公司的品牌印象。通过策划方案的具体实施, 在无锡地区提升美作文化发展有限公司的知名度及美誉度,促进彩绘产品销售量的提高,成功占领彩绘市场。51205
    United States for Cultural Development Co., Ltd.WuxiThe whole case of the promotion of the brandimage promotionContent summaryThe graduation design topic is "Beauty Culture Development Co., Ltd. Wuxiarea brand image enhance the dissemination of planning case", the customer for thebeauty of Wuxi for Cultural Development Co., Ltd.. Beauty Culture Development Co.,Ltd. was founded in 2007 in Wuxi, mainly to Jiezhuang painting products as theobject.Wuxi area belongs to the southern region, the economy is relatively developed,the level of consumer spending is higher, the demand for cultural products more. Wallpainting as a new trend of things, it is more easy to promote in the economicallydeveloped areas.On the United States line better and experience conclusion we collected a largenumber of hand, second-hand information, in order to develop a more appropriate andaccurate marketing scheme, we carried out for a period of three months of marketresearch activities. Through preliminary data collection and post analysis, it isconcluded that a more precise target consumers, target market, and put forward the"Seven Star painted" brand image "permanent warranty" concept for Beauty CultureDevelopment Co., Ltd. in Wuxi area of publicity, promotion of good preparation.Coupled with the public relations activities to "luminous painting" as the theme ofpublic welfare activities, through online media and media combination, enhanceConsumer Culture Development Co., Ltd. The company's brand image.Through concrete implementation plan, in Wuxi area enhance the beauty ofCultural Development Co., Ltd. visibility and reputation, improve product sales in thepainting, successful occupation of the painting market.
    Key words: Beauty Culture Development Co., Ltd.; brand image;communication strategy; Seven Star drawing experience; permanent warranty;Luminous paint

    目 录

    第一部分 项目简介、工作计划安排及实施情况说明1




    第二部分 市场调查分析8







    七、美作文化发展有限公司SWOT 分析.27

    第三部分 美作文化发展有限公司品牌战略营销策划29

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