


    Problems and countermeasures of human resource management in Wan He Hua Yuan


    Human resources management is an very important part in business management,look at successful companies,they all have a set of mature science of practices and systems in human resources management,effective human resource management practices and strategies are strong power to ensure the rapid development of the enterprise. Taking the Wan He Hua Yuan as the study object.After  making an intensive field study and basing on the six modules of human resource management.Then analyze the current human resource management existing problems and their internal reasons caused,further combining the relates human resource theories and providing the countermeasures as below:work out HR,standardize the recruitment management,build the characteristic training system,perfect performance appraisal system,set up the scientific compensation and benefit system. Finally, help the company build the modernist human resource management system,which is taking the worker as the centre,every person can trying his best,person being connected with the post,worker going up and down expeditely.

    Keywords: human resource management;countermeasures;analyse 

    目  录

    0 引言 1

    1理论综述 1

    1.1 国内研究综述 1

    1.2 国外研究综述 2

    2 万合华园喜事会馆人力资源管理的现状 3

    2.1 万合华园喜事会馆简介 3

    2.2 万合华园喜事会馆人力资源管理的现状 7

    3万合华园喜事会馆人力资源管理中的问题及原因 9

    3.1 企业管理者自身素质较低 9

    3.2 公司缺乏人力资源规划 9

    3.3 薪酬激励约束制度不到位 10

    3.4 对职位没有进行详细的工作分析 10

    3.5 没有形成“招聘是一个体系”的理念 10

    3.6 缺乏规范合理的培训计划 11

    4 万合华园喜事会馆人力资源管理问题的解决对策 11

    4.1 实施战略规划 12

    4.2 完善薪酬激励机制 13

    4.3 健全人才选拔和使用机制 18

    4.4 进行人员培训开发 18

    结  论 20

    致  谢 21

    参考文献 22


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