


    Analyse the small and medium-sized enterprise social responsibility from the rights and interests of consumers


    Research on small and medium-sized enterprise social responsibility, has made nearly a century, which still has made some achievements, but dedicated to consumer rights and interests as the object to explore the social responsibility of the research is not much . in recent years, the problem of our country’s consumer rights and interests protection is a cause for concern, as closely related to consumers' rights and interests of small and medium-sized enterprises, the responsibility can not be ignored because of a lot of small and medium-sized enterprises in the pursuit of self-interest maximization, ignore their social responsibilities, triggering a series of problems of consumers' rights and interests, and have a significant impact on its stakeholders, so an exploratory examination of the social responsibility of small and medium-sized enterprises is extremely important in this paper, based on the interpretation of the concept of corporate social responsibility source, and through the method of case to analyze the necessity of enterprise social responsibility, to find out the problem of small and medium-sized enterprises in the social responsibility and put forward Rationalization proposals .which is good for enterprise's emphasis on social responsibility to improve corporate social responsibility ability and thus promote the healthy and harmonious development of enterprise itself and the social sustainable development has a certain practical significance

    Keywords: social responsibility; Consumer rights and interests; Small and medium-sized enterprises


    0引言 7

    1 相关概念界定 7

    1.1 中小企业 7

    1.2 企业社会责任 8

    1.3 消费者权益 8

    1.3.1 消费者权益的概念及内容 8

    1.3.2 保护消费者权益的意义 9

    1.4 中小企业承担社会责任的重要性 10

    2 中小企业承担维护消费者权益社会责任中存在的问题及原因 11

    2.1 中小企业在维护消费者权益方面存在的问题 11

    2.1.1安全保障权 11

    2.1.2知悉真情权 12

    2.1.3自主选择权 13

    2.1.4公平交易权 13

    2.1.5依法求偿权 14

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