


    Research on the Crowne Plaza hotels in Jiangsu

    Abstract As a typical product of cultural collision between Chinese and Western Hotel Management, Crowne Plaza Hotel is an excellent case study of human resource management of the tertiary industry in the background of China hotels. I combine the research status at home and abroad to determine the location of Holiday Inn theory of human resource management, to further clarify the human resources management in hotel management category, laid the theoretical foundation for the whole research. Second, more important is to conduct a comprehensive analysis in Jiangsu Crowne Plaza Hotel are exposed in the management process, and on the basis of that to put forward some reasonable suggestions, in order to promote the reform of hotel management, let employee can widely, actively engaged in hotel management and operation activities, common development with the hotel to achieve a win-win situation, and create a truly virtuous human resources management cycle system. 

    Keywords: holiday inn; human resource management; the hotel human resource management; hotel management 

    目  录

    0引言 1

    1.酒店人力资源管理的理论概述 2

    1.1酒店人力资源管理的概念和特点 2

    1.2酒店人力资源管理的主要环节 4

    1.3酒店人力资源管理人员的岗位职责 4

    1.4酒店人力资源管理的功能和地位 6

    2.江苏地区皇冠假日酒店人力资源管理的现状 7

    2.1.江苏地区皇冠假日酒店基本概况 7

    2.2人力资源管理制度中存在的问题 7

    2.3人才流失严重 8

    2.4对员工缺乏有效的控制 10

    2.5缺乏充分的员工激励 10

    2.6培训效果不佳 11

    2.7劳动关系管理混乱 11

    3.江苏地区皇冠假日酒店人力资源管理的改进建议 12

    3.1人力资源管理制度的建立和实施 12

    3.2明确任职条件与岗位职责,合理招聘和配置员工 13

    3.3严格绩效考核工作,结合薪酬手段综合激励 13

    3.4提高培训效果 14

    3.5发挥企业文化的凝聚及导向作用 14

    3.6完善劳动关系的法律事宜,保障员工权益 15

    结   论 17

    致   谢

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