


    Research on Strategic Human Resource Management    of The Bank of Nanjing 

      ---Based on The SWOT Analyse

    Abstract   With the development of science and technology, continuous improvement of labor productivity, human society gradually move towards a knowledge-based society. In a knowledge-based society, human resources are the primary resources, it is not only related to the overall quality and core competitiveness, but also a profound impact on the present and future business. Bank of Nanjing as human capital-intensive financial firms in the financial sector reform, in the context of intensified competitive environment, the ability to develop, grow, the key is whether the strategic management of human resources to form their own competitive advantage. Therefore, this article Nanjing Bank's strategic human resource management research, for example, SWOT analysis, corporate strategy from the perspective of the problems in the current business, including enterprise itself has advantages and disadvantages, as well as external facing opportunities and threats to find where the main reason, and on this basis, build four kinds of human resources strategic model, Bank of Nanjing, Bank of Nanjing to achieve optimal allocation of human resources and gain a competitive advantage.

      Keywords: Human resource competition ; SWOT analysis ; The strategic management of human resources 

    目 录

    0 引言1

    1 相关理论与概念1

       1.1 人力资源战略管理概念1

       1.2 人力资源战略管理研究2

       1.2.1 人力资源战略管理思想的产生背景2

       1.2.2 人力资源战略管理思想的发展沿革2

        1.3 人力资源战略管理实施研究—SWOT分析法4

    2 南京银行人力资源现状分析7

       2.1 南京银行发展沿革8

       2.2 南京银行人力资源现状9

    3 南京银行人力资源战略管理的SWOT分析12

       3.1 南京银行人力资源战略管理优势分析12

       3.2 南京银行人力资源战略管理劣势分析13

       3.3 南京银行人力资源战略管理机会分析14

       3.4 南京银行人力资源战略管理威胁分析15   


    4 南京银行人力资源管理战略的实施17

      4.1 其他商业银行人力资源管理战略及对策(以工商银行为例)17

      4.2 南京银行四种战略选择下的人力资源战略管理措施18

           4.2.1 增长型战略 19  

           4.2.2 差异性战略20    


           4.2.4 防御型战略22

    5. 四种战略模式的应用分析23

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