



    Research On Methods And Strategies Of Reducing Logistics Cost

    Abstract In this paper, reduce logistics costs of research methods and strategies to optimize the methods and strategies to improve logistics and reduce costs. Reduce logistics costs, thereby reducing production costs, increasing the core competitiveness of enterprises.

    This article uses the literature research, constitute the logistics cost situation and influencing factors of leafing through books, literature and the Internet for data analysis from a global point of view, from the transport and storage of both the advantages and disadvantages of methods to reduce logistics costs and strategies. Sea Orchid House to analyze the practice methods to reduce logistics costs through case analysis and investigation. In the analysis of this article, find out the shortcomings of existing methods to reduce logistics costs and strategies. Both in transportation and warehousing, we propose to reduce logistics costs at existing methods and improvement strategies: (1) theoretical calculation of the actual situation for analysis (2) a reasonable choice of means of transport and mode of transport (3) establishment of advanced mechanism (4) to establish a timely manner to deal with unexpected situations system transport system (5) and advanced FIFO after the combination (6) regular observations stock control and take a combination of economic order quantity (7) retain a certain safety Stock (8) established VMI system. Through the study of methods and strategies to reduce logistics costs and further improve the logistics cost method is more effective in reducing logistics costs in the process, convenient.

    Key Words: logistics costs;  logistics methods and strategies;  methods and strategies to improve logistics


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    一  绪论 1

     (一)研究背景 1

    (二)研究目的和意义 1

    (三)研究内容、方法及技术路线 2

    (四)文献综述 4

    二  物流成本的内涵及影响因素分析 6


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