

    本文在参照国内外相关研究基础上,通过调查和分析江苏地区中小型零售企业的物流现状并与大型零售企业的比较总括出我国中小型零售企业的物流系统存在的问题,提出问题主要集中在减低物流成本、优化物流配送等方面,然后结合物流相关理论和方法,根据层次分析法提出合适的物流系统优化策略。最后借助层次分析法分析世纪联华超市的物流配送系统,详述了该理论对其物流系统的优化。 51773


    Research on distribution center location of retail enterprises based on AHP


    In recent years, with the rapid growth of urbanization and popularization of the residents of GDP, people's quality of life is on the rise, all life activities is highly dependent on market, the number of retail industry in all parts of the country are in rapid growth.

    The in reference to the domestic and foreign related research foundation, through the investigation and analysis of the situation of logistics in Jiangsu Province small and medium sized retail enterprises and with a large retail enterprises compared to sum up the problems existed in the small and medium sized retail enterprises logistics system, put forward the problem mainly concentrated in reduce material flow cost, the optimization of logistics distribution and so on, and then combined with the theory and method of logistics, based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) appropriate logistics system optimization strategy is proposed. Finally based on hierarchical analysis method to analyze the Century Lianhua Supermarket Logistics and distribution system, the theory on the logistics system optimization is discussed in detail.

    Key Words:Small and medium sized retail enterprises  Logistics System  Optimization  supply chain  AHP

    目  录

    摘要 Ⅰ 

    Abstract II


    一 绪论 1

    (一)选题背景及意义 1

    (二)国内外研究现状 2

    (三)研究内容及方法 4

    二 物流系统概述 6

    (一)物流系统 6

    (二)物流系统的要素 6

    三 我国零售业发展与现状 8

    (一)零售业概述 8

    (二)中小型零售企业与大型零售企业的发展情况 8

    四 中小型零售业的物流对策 12

    (一)物流配送中心选址指标分析 12

    (二)基于 AHP 的物流配送中心选址策略 13

    五 案例分析 18

    (一)问题描述 18

    (二)计算分析 19

    六 总结与展望 23

    参考文献 24

    一  绪论




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