

    毕业论文关键词:跨国并购; 人力资源管理; 人力资源整合

    Abstract With the development of economic globalization, China has a large number of enterprises began to go on the road, started to invest in new ways to strengthen their ability, transnational merger and acquisition (M & A) has become the most popular means of international investment, but in reality local enterprise merger and acquisition is not reached expected effect, after the merger of enterprises constantly due to the loss of talents, error of layoffs, and for the cultural integration unreasonable phenomenon, resulting in the failure of mergers and acquisitions, of which the most fundamental reason is improper human resource integration. The paper is based on human resource integration theoretical framework and by the importance of China's local enterprises cross-border mergers and acquisitions in the integration of the human resources research and discussion, pointed out that our country currently about human resources management faced problems and misunderstandings, and draw should how effective human resource integration and management, summary of the final system out human resource integration operational steps.

    Key words:  Cross border mergers and acquisitions; Human resource management;  Human resource integration

    1.绪论 4

    1.1背景 4

    1.2研究的目的与意义 4

    2.跨国并购的动因及理论研究 5

    2.1 跨国并购的内涵 5

    2.2 跨国并购的动因 5

    2.3国内外并购理论研究现状 6

    2.4人力资源整合理论研究现状 7

    3.本土企业跨国并购案例分析 8

    3.1成功案例-吉利并购沃尔沃 8

    3.2人力资源的要素帮助 8

    3.3失败案例-TCL的跨国并购 9

    3.4 人力资源整合管理失败 9

    3.5进行总结分析研究 10

    4.跨国并购中人力资源整合的对策研究 10

    4.1跨国并购中人力资源管理现状 10

    4.2跨国并购中人力资源管理误区 11

    4.3跨国并购人力资源对策 11

    4.4跨国并购所带来的机遇和挑战 12

    结束语 13

    致谢 13

    参考文献 13




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