
    摘要:在如今信息时代的新媒体环境下,营销也随着时代的变化发展到一个新的高度。互联网作为一种新兴的媒体形式,在一定程度上讲,将成为企业营销变革的典型。本研究课题基于网络的新媒体应用,对当前新媒体环境下的网络营销活动进行分析。从 2009 年首创“双十一狂欢节”的节日营销开始,淘宝网历时六年把原本一个普通的日子变成全中国网民每年一度的“网购狂欢节”,如今淘宝“双十一狂欢节”已经成为国内电商营销领域的标杆级现象,同时本文探究在美国具有同等地位的“黑色星期五”即指人们在感恩节后的第一天进行大采购活动的节日。试图透过案例来比较揭示“双十一狂欢节”与“黑色星期五”同类现象背后的相关性与差异性,充分审视新媒体在营销模式方面的重要特点,总结新媒体时代下中国电商营销的特色以及对当前中国电商营销活动提出针对性建议。52704


    Research on Marketing of Internet under the Environment of New Media —— in the case of Taobao11.11 and Black Friday

    Abstract: In today's information age, marketing is also changing with the times of development to a new height in the new media environment.Internet as a new form of media, to some extent, will become a typical corporate marketing change. The research based on the new media network and its application on the current activities of network marketing new media environment analysis. From 2009 the first "Double Eleven Festival" marketing festival began, which lasted six years, Taobao originally becomes an ordinary day into a full Chinese netizens. annual "online shopping carnival", now Taobao "Chinese single day l" has become the benchmark level of domestic electricity business marketing phenomenon, but this article to explore the "Black Friday",which refers to people of equal status in the United States on the first day after Thanksgiving large procurement activities of the festival. By trying to compare cases reveal "Chinese single day" and "Black Friday" correlated with differences in grade behind the phenomenon, fully examine the important features of the new media in marketing patterns, summarized in the new media era Chinese electricity supplier marketing the features and the current Chinese electricity supplier marketing activities put forward specific recommendations.

    Key Words: New media;Internet; Network marketing; Taobao11.11; Black Friday

    目  录

    引言 1

    1  绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2 研究的目的和意义 3

    1.2.1 研究目的 3

    1.2.2 研究意义 3

    1.3 研究的主要方法 4

    1.4 研究的创新点 4

    1.5 研究的主要思路 5

    2  新媒体时代对互联网企业营销模式的影响 6

    2.1 新媒体的概念界定 6

    2.2 新媒体时代的环境分析 6

    2.3 新媒体时代对营销观念的改变 7

    3  新媒体时代国内外案例的比较分析 9

    3.1 中国“双十一”狂欢节的营销概述及特点 9

    3.1.1 “双十一狂欢节”的营销缘起

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