



    The Study of Construction of Enterprise Core Competitiveness

    Abstract: Today, the power of Core competence of corporations in the market has been growing recognition by the business community and the theory community. In this Era, the competence of the corporations is competitiveness of the core competence. As China's accession to the WTO, both domestic and overseas markets convergence of economic globalization is the wave swept across the Chinese market. In such circumstances, Chinese corporations only develop its own core competence, then grow bigger.

    Enhance the competence advantage; building their core competence is the only way for the modem corporation growth. Scientific evaluation of the core competence of corporation has important guiding significance in the process of the core competence development. But so far, the most research of the core competence are qualitative analysis of the theory, and lacking of specific, operational, systems analysis method, which is obviously not conducive to the core competence of Chinese corporations in the practical application. In this paper, for a fundamental issue of core,competence of the current construction corporation the evaluation of the core.

    Key words: Construction companies; Core Competence; Evaluation Method


    1  绪论 1

    2  建筑施工企业核心竞争力概述 4

    2.1    企业核心竞争力的概念及特征 4

      2.1.1  企业核心竞争力的概念 4

      2.1.2  企业核心竞争力的特征 5

    2.2  建筑施工企业核心竞争力的概念及特征 6

      2.2.1  建筑施工企业核心竞争力的概念 6

      2.2.2  建筑施工企业的核心竞争力特征 6

    2.3  建筑施工企业核心竞争力的识别和评价方法 8

      2.3.1 识别路线 8

      2.3.2 识别方法 9

      2.3.3 评价方法 10

    3  我国建筑施工企业的发展现状分析 12

    3.1  我国建筑施工企业的发展现状 12

    3.2  国际建筑施工企业发展特点 14

    3.3  中外建筑施工企业的差距及其原因

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