

    毕业论文关键词: 动画电影;竞争力;动画

    How to improve the core competitiveness of domestic animated films

    Abstract: Domestic animated films had a glorious past, but now are in decline. First, there  are significant gaps with  other large state-owned animation countries, such as Japan and the United States in three areas: content, industry and policy. Secondly, there are four problems of domestic animated in creation, production and marketing.  First, the audience has been positioned in the Infant children, the adult audience are ignored; Second, we are lack of professionalism, not only in production, as well as in the preparation of animated films; Third, the lack of super IP, resulting in a lack of the value of the works' recognition to the audience, and the works are hard to run away; Fourth, the government's policies for the animation industry is imperfect. In this regard, we propose to change the younger age bureau, think the "content is king" as a precondition, to develop and innovate, and reflect the national character, strengthen professionalism, improve marketing and the industrial chain, and improve the national support policies, increase supervision, etc. The six thoughts and recommendations are aimed to effectively enhance the core competitiveness of domestic animated films.

    KeyWords: Animated films; Competitiveness; Animation

    一、绪论 1

    (一) 研究目的和意义 1

    (二) 课题的研究现状和发展趋势 1

    二、我国动画电影产业发展及现状 2

    三、国外动画电影产业发展状况——以美国和日本为例 4

    (一)内容丰满,价值观突出 4

    (二)有完善的产业链 5

    (三)国家在政策上给予很大支撑 6

    四、从创意、制作和市场方面发现国产动画电影存在的问题 6

    (一)低龄化 6

    (二)专业性不足 7

    (三)缺少超级IP 7

    (四)政府对动漫产业的扶持政策不完善 8

    五、如何提升我国动画电影竞争力 9

    (一)拓展受众面,建立分级制度 9

    (二) 以“内容为王”为前提,发展创新 9

    (三)体现民族性 10

    (四) 加强专业性 11

    (五) 改善营销方式,完善产业链

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