



    毕业论文关键词: 组织认同 组织公民行为 员工绩效

    The influence of organizational identification on organizational citizenship behavior of employees

    Abstract: With the rapid development of economy and information technology,the organization staff as part of the organization members received more and more people's attention. Organizational identification is the employee who is in the organization, the organizational culture and other aspects of identity, as well as on the derivative of the positioning of the members of the organization and self pride and other aspects of the content. And the concept of the sense of identity that is produced by the organization, there are more data show that it has a more or less impact on the organization's citizens. 

    The staff in the organization is the subject of this study,through the investigation of employee behavior,combined with their specific views on organizational identification.To explore the relationship between organizational identity and organizational citizenship behavior.  

    At present domestic research related to organizational identification is not much. Therefore, this paper on the review of the past relevant knowledge at home and abroad on the basis, organizational behavior by using the knowledge combined with human resources theory, make assumptions regarding the employee organizational identification and organizational citizenship behavior, through the empirical analysis research method to get the relevant arguments. To provide the relevant concepts of organizational identification and organizational employee behavior, and to discuss the concept of employee performance, and to analyze the correlation between organizational identification and organizational identification. 

    KeyWords:Organizational identification and organizational citizenship behavior employee performance

    目  录

    一、绪论 1

    (一)研究的背景和问题 1



    (二) 研究的目的和意义 1



    (三) 研究的方法及主要内容  2

    二. 国内外理论文献综述 3

    (一) 组织认同的概念 3

    (二)组织认同的维度 4

    (三)组织公民行为概念 4

    (四)组织公民行为维度与影响因素 4

    (五)员工工作绩效的概念 5

    (六)员工工作绩效的维度和影响因素 6


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