





    Traffic is a bottleneck factor of restricting urban development.Just like the cardiovascular system in body,urban traffic is a kind of public infrastructure,bearing some important tasks for urban society such as production,circulation,distribution and exchange.It contributes to urban development embodying a special role in urban economic and social life.Along with a large gathering urban population and a coming era of car-transportation,rapid development of urban traffic meets the needs of sustainable economic and social growth in city,meanwhile,brings about a violent contradiction between traffic supply and demand because of the lag construction in traffic facilities and low level in traffic control.It can be said that the more modem city is,the heavier task urban traffic system bears and the more obvious role it shows,thus the problem of traffic congestion is more outstanding.Restricting urban operation and development,traffic congestion has become one of the various “urban ills” and gives a serious pain to the growth of modem city.Therefore,solving the.problem of urban traffic congestion as well as relieving urban traffic pressure,in order to improve welfare of urban residents,is the key content in the research field of the urban social problems.

    In this paper, Hangzhou city governance is the governance of "urban diseases" starting point, and put forward the basic idea of city traffic congestion management. After the governance of urban traffic congestion expansion decision analysis, and to traffic in Hangzhou "dilemma" (i.e. "journeying is hard", "parking difficult" problem) as a theoretical analysis of practical blueprint, decision analysis, and accordingly establish the governance of urban traffic congestion countermeasure system.

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