


    Xiashi colored lanterns as an ancient craftsmanship, encounter a bottleneck in the development of the new era, some previous initiatives of the government in Haining cannot effectively improve reverse fault situation of inheritance. Through to Haining City Intangible Cultural Heritage Office, Haining vocational senior high school to create a lantern studios, Haining City Association of illuminations and Haining people's investigation, understand ordinary people to Xiashi colored lanterns inheritance as a government views. At the same time, analysis of Haining city government current as the failure reason, combined with domestic and foreign government Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance example, proposed the successors of intangible cultural heritage in the cultivation of the important responsibilities and strategies. This process, in addition to consulting the literature combined with theoretical experience, will also be combined with the actual situation in Haining City, through field interviews, questionnaires and other methods to conduct research.


    Keywords:government responsibility;charming Chinese lanterns;successor culture;intangible cultural heritage


    一、 引言 1

    (一) 研究意义 1

    1. 理论意义 1

    2. 现实意义 2

    (二) 研究目的 3

    二、政府已有举措 3

    (一) 制度申报 3

    (二) 资金投入 4

    (三) 基地建设 4

    (四) 活动交流 5

    三、存在问题及原因分析 5

    (一) 扶持的资金与渠道不多 5

    (二) 宣传的广度与深度不够 6

    (三) 发展的创新能力不强 7

    四、国内外政府经验总结 8

    (一) 国内政府可取之处 8

    (二) 国外政府可取之处 9

    五、政府责任及相应对策 10

    (一) 政府责任总结 10


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