
    摘 要:随着城市化和工业化进程的逐渐加快,越来越多的土地被征用,成为了经营性建设用地,大量的农民从土地上脱离,失地农民的数量迅速增加,由此而引发的失地农民社会保障问题得到了社会的广泛关注。本文以宿迁市失地农民的社会保障为具体研究对象,主要运用文献综合研究法,对宿迁市失地农民社会保障中出现的问题进行了分析,出现了最低生活保障水平偏低、失业保险缺失、养老保障分布不均、医疗保险的覆盖率低、社会互助的保障制度不健全等一系列问题,为有效解决这些问题,提出了提高最低生活水平、建立健全失业保险制度、平衡养老保险参保比例分布、扩大医疗保险覆盖率、健全社会互助的保障机制等合理性建议,以保障失地农民的利益,从而促进经济社会的稳定发展。53456


    Abstract:With the accelerating of urbanization and industrialization, more and more  land has been expropriated. Land has become operational land for construction, large number of farmers are separating from the land. Then the number of land-lost farmers has increased rapidly , Social security problem of  land-lost farmers has received extensive attention of the society. This article mainly uses the literature research method to study  the social security of land-lost farmers of  Suqian .And  analyzes land-lost farmers of Suqian on social security problems.A series of problems appeared at the same time emerge,such as that the minimum living guarantee is under the low level ,unemployment insurance is missing,endowment insurance distribution is not balanced,health insurance coverage is low and the social security system is not perfect mutual.Aiming at these problems ,this paper puts forward some reasonable suggestions in order to protect the interests of land-lost  farmers ,thereby promoting the stable development of economy and society.Such as  to raise the minimum standard of living,establish and improve the unemployment insurance system,balance the proportion of pension insurance distribution,expand coverage of health insurance and  improve the protection mechanism of social solidarity.

    Keywords: land-lost farmers,social security,system


    1  引言 3

    2  宿迁市失地农民社会保障的现状 3

    2.1  宿迁市失地农民的规模 3

    2.2  宿迁市失地农民社会保障的具体情况 4

    3  宿迁市失地农民社会保障存在的问题 4

    3.1  最低生活保障水平低 4

    3.2  失业保险缺失 5

    3.3  养老保障年龄分布不均 5

    3.4  医疗保险的覆盖率低 6

    3.5  社会互助的保障制度不健全 6

    4  解决宿迁市失地农民社会保障问题的对策 7

    4.1  提高最低生活保障水平 7

    4.2  建立健全失业保险制度 7

    4.3  平衡养老保险参保比例分布 8

    4.4  扩大医疗保险覆盖率 8

    4.5  健全社会互助的保障制度 9

    结论 10

    参考文献 11


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