
    摘 要:本研究旨在了解目前淮安市城乡空巢老人的健康现状与日常生活照料情况,为推进社区居家养老服务提供依据。方法上采用问卷普查的形式对357例空巢老人的基本情况、健康状况、生活照料情况等进行调查,辅以个案访谈补充资料。研究发现:身体较为健康的老人仅占三分之一,高血压的患病率远远高于其他病症。但是,近半数的空巢老人无人照料,或处于白天照料晚上空巢的状况,生活上难免不便。夫妻双方的相互照顾力不从心,独居老人对于健康照料的需求尤为强烈。空巢老人健康状况不容乐观,社区应在医疗方面予以重视,完善社区护理网络、配备专业医护人员、建立社区老人健康信息档案、提供陪老人看病服务、实现系统管理、发动志愿者共同关注空巢老人健康。55053


    Abstract : This study was to understand the present situation on urban and rural empty nest old man's health and daily life care, provide the basis for promoting community home endowment service. Methods takes the form of questionnaire survey on 357 cases of empty nest old man's basic situation, health care, life situation and case interview additional information. Study found Body more healthy old people accounted for only one-third, the prevalence of high blood pressure is much higher than other conditions. However, nearly half of the empty nester unattended, or take care of them at only daytime, life is not very convenient. It is inconvenient for both sides of husband and wife to take care of each other and old people who live alone was particularly strong demand for health care. Empty nest elderly health status is not optimistic, the community should attach importance to it in terms of health care, improve the network of community care, hire the professional medical personnel, establish community elderly health information file, provide the service accompany the old man see a doctor, establish a systematic management and  encourage the volunteers attention to empty nest elderly health.

    Keywords:empty-nest elderly, health, look after, the pension that occupy the home

    目  录

    1  引言 4

    2  对象与方法 4

    2.1  研究对象 4

    2.2  研究方法 4

    2.3  统计学方法 5

    3  数据分析 5

    3.1  空巢老人基本情况 5

    3.2  空巢老人健康照顾状况的分析 5

    4  结论与讨论 10

    4.1  结论 10

    4.2  讨论 11

    5  建议 13

    结论 15

    参考文献 16

    致谢 17

    附录一 18

    附录二 20

    1  引言


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