
    摘  要:餐饮业在人们的日常生活中发挥着及其重要的作用。而今,随着国民经济的快速增长,居民收入的增加,人们生活方式的改变,餐饮业更成为了一个众多商家必争的黄金行业。做餐饮,从某种程度上来讲就是做服务。广阔的餐饮市场发展前景,带来了激烈的行业内竞争压力,使得各大餐饮公司越来越注重服务营销的运用。而真正将服务营销运用的深入到骨髓里,当属海底捞。本文以海底捞南京中山南路店为例,在阐述服务营销理论的基础上,对该店运用的服务营销策略进行分析,总结其成功经验,为其他的餐饮公司提供一些经营方针和指导。同时,指出该店存在的一些问题,提出建设性的解决方案。55369


    Abstract: Catering industry plays an extremely important role in people's daily lives. Now, with the rapid growth of the national economy increases, household income, lifestyle changes, and catering industry become a many businesses compete for the gold industry. Do catering, to a certain extent is to do service. The catering market and broad prospects for development, has brought the pressure of intense competition in the industry, make each big food companies are increasingly focused on service marketing. But the real marketing services use deep to the bone marrow, is the Haidilao. In this paper, the Haidilao Nanjing Zhongshan Road shop as an example, based on the service marketing theory, the store using the service marketing strategy are analyzed, Summing up the successful experience, to provide some operational policy and guidance for other catering company. At the same time, points out some problems existed in the shop, put forward constructive solutions.

    Keywords: Haidilao, service, service marketing, tangible show

    目 录

    1  引言 3

    2  服务营销理论综述 3

    3  海底捞南京中山南路店概况 3

    4  海底捞南京中山南路店的服务营销策略分析 4

    4.1  产品策略 4

    4.2  价格策略 4

    4.3  渠道策略 5

    4.4  促销策略 5

    4.5  人员策略 6

    4.6  有形展示策略 6

    4.7  过程策略 7

    5  该店在服务营销过程中存在的问题 7

    5.1  过度关注服务,忽略产品口 7

    5.2  员工对顾客进行强加服务,引发顾客不满 8

    5.3  等待时间影响了顾客再次光临 8

    5.4  招聘员工方式单一化 9

    5.5  广告宣传力度不够 9

    6  该店在服务营销过程中存在问题的改进措施 9

    6.1  保持优质服务,提升菜品口 9

    6.2  了解顾客真实需求,提供被需要服务 9

    6.3  扩大店面规模,创新等候区服务 10

    6.4  拓宽人员招聘渠道 10

    6.5  加大广告宣传力度 10


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