
    摘要: 作为六朝古都的南京,六朝文化遗产旅游资源一直是支撑南京旅游发展的重要资源。笔者采用了问卷调查法以及实地走访,分别对旅游者的认知度、需求感知、体验感知进行分析。得出南京六朝文化整体知名度很高但是部分景点认知度低,存在闲置现象;在六朝文化遗产旅游中真正意义上的遗产旅游者较少;游客的旅游目的趋同,但旅游的需求存在差异;旅游产品设计缺乏层次性;部分景点缺乏亮点,难以吸引游客前往;游客体验满意度一般,基础设施等部分还需要改进。并且针对这些不足之处,提出因地制宜保护资源,根据现状确定资源开发模式,合理组合资源打造特色旅游产品,打开实际市场改变资源闲置现状,完善导赏以及信息化服务的发展思路。55638


    Abstract: Nanjing as the ancient capital of the six dynasties,cultural heritage tourism resources of the six dynasties is always the support to the development of Nanjing tourism.The writer adapted the questionnaire survey and visit survey spots.She analyzed respectively from recognition,demand for tourists,experience,perception of tourists.It is concluded that culture of the six dynasties is well-known as a whole while some attractions’ recognition is low,and it appears idle phenomenon.The real estate tourists are less in culture heritage tourism of the six dynasties.Tourism purposes are same while tourism demand is different.Tourism products are lack of gradation design.Some attractions are lack of bright spots and it difficult to attract visitors.The experience satisfaction of tourists is not high,  infrastructure and other parts need be improved.The writer put forward development ideal which protect resources by measuring local conditions,making sure development type according to current situation,building the special tourism product by grouping resources reasonably,opening actual market to change idle phenomenon,promoting guided tours and information service.

    Keywords:Culture of the six dynasties,Heritage of tourism, Tourists’ perspection, Development consideration

    目  录

    1 引言. 3

    2 南京六朝文化旅游资源现状研究与思考 3

    3 研究方法 4

    4 问卷调查结果分析讨论 5

    4.1调查者基本信息分析 5

    4.2旅游者对南京六朝文化遗产旅游认知度分析 6

    4.2.1南京六朝文化整体知名度很高 6

    4.2.2部分六朝文化遗产景点认知度低,存在闲置现象 7

    4.2.3在六朝文化遗产旅游中真正意义上的遗产旅游者较少 10

    4.3旅游者需求感知分析 11

    4.3.1游客对六朝文化遗产旅游的旅游目的趋同 11

    4.3.2六朝文化遗产旅游的旅游者需求存在差异 11

    4.3.3旅游产品设计缺乏层次性 13

    4.4游客者体验感知分析 14

    4.4.1部分景点缺乏亮点,难以吸引游客前往 14

    4.4.2游客体验满意度一般,基础设施等部分还需要改进 14

    5南京六朝文化遗产旅游的发展思考 16


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