    关键词: 微博  微博营销  传统营销  4106
    Improve the effect of microblog communication strengthen the ability of enterprise marketing
    Abstract:In the 21st century, nowadays with the rapid development of science and technology and the network, the internet has become an essential part of people’s life, the wide application of internet bring people more convenient and quick means of communicating and ways of obtaining information. The development of the internet is changing the ideas of the traditional marketing, commodity trading and the marketing strategy, many enterprise also use internet a new means to improve their competitiveness in the market. Microblog, as the network platform who develop most rapid in recent years, it is not only a kind of novel network communication tools, but also a kind of new network marketing mode. More and more enterprise consider that microblog marketing is a good opportunity for the development of the enterprise, through microblog we can publish the product information, communicate with consumer and also can promote enterprise brand information. New things will also bring new challenges, this article through the analysis of the advantage of microblog marketing compared with the way of tradition marketing, explore how to enhance the ability of enterprise microblog marketing, to be able to bring revelation when enterprise in the use of microblog marketing, and also hope to be able to help enterprise to expand marketing scope and intensity, promote the development of enterprise.

    KeyWords: Microblog    Microblog Marketing    Traditional Marketing
     目  录

    引言 1
    一、绪论 2
    (一)课题研究的背景和意义 2
    1、课题研究的背景 2
    2、课题研究的意义 2
    (二)课题研究的现状和发展趋势 3
    1、课题研究的现状 3
    1.1国内对微博的研究现状 3
    1.2国外对TWITTER的研究现状 3
    2、课题的研究发展趋势 4
    二、概念定义理论综述 5
    (一)微博的概念、特点 5
    1、微博的概念 5
    2、微博的特点 6
    (二)网络营销中的微博营销 7
    三、微博与微博营销的发展概况 8
    (一)微博的发展 8
    (二)微博与企业营销发展的结合 10
    四、微博营销与传统网络营销比较 11
    (一)从营销理念的角度 11
    (二)从营销成本的角度 11
    (三)从服务方式的角度 12
    五、微博营销对企业发展的影响 13
    (一)微博营销对企业营销管理的影响 13
    1、微博营销改变了企业传统的营销模式 13
    1.1微博开辟了一条新型营销渠道 13
    1.2利用微薄可进一步提升企业知名度 13
    2、微博成为一种感觉新型的管理沟通工具 14
    2.1微博具有有效沟通的4个特征 14
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