


    Abstract In this paper, the general steps of risk management on the basis, wholly entrusted mode of risk management, analysis, detailed engineering insurance for the role of risk management, engineering insurance to be the focus of the study. Large construction projects because of high investment, high risk, complex construction technology, and thus the general approach to risk management can not meet the requirement, we must strengthen risk management through engineering insurance. Insurance by insurance companies to insure construction projects must be concerned about the cost of risk, choose the right insurance company to determine its economic and underwriting capacity. In addition to insurance through insurance, should also focus on insurance, reinsurance of large construction projects, to ensure stable operation of the original insurer. At the same time, the bidding mechanism engineering insurance will greatly improve risk management. By these methods reflect the engineering insurance as a means of risk management, especially in large construction projects, effective control and prevention of risk. Finally, on the basis of the combination of these methods, they will provide a few risk management and engineering insurance for large construction projects in China with a few suggestions and opinions.

    Keywords: risk management, engineering insurance, the cost of risk, reinsurance, bidding mechanism

    目  录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 研究的目的和意义 1

    1.2 国内外发展现状 1

    1.2.1 国内外风险管理发展现状 1

    1.2.2 国内外工程保险发展现状 2

    1.3 研究的内容和方法 4

    第二章  基本理论综述 6

    2.1 大型建筑工程项目的定义 6

    2.2 风险管理的定义和基本原理 6

    2.2.1 工程风险的定义 6

    2.2.2 风险管理的概念 6

    2.2.3 工程风险管理的基本原理 6

    2.3 工程保险的原理 8

    2.3.1 工程保险的概念 8

    2.3.2 工程保险的特点 8

    2.4 大型建筑工程涉及的险种 9

    2.5 保险合同的主体 10

    2.6 工程保险费及保险费率

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