摘 要如今仪式感的话题在现代生活和消费中被广泛提及,人们越发注重生活中的仪式感。并且,人们在消费中越来越倾向于选择具有仪式感的品牌及消费模式,仪式化营销在人们消费中的比例也有显著的提高,从而使消费模式逐渐进入一个新的时代。57272
Abstract “Ceremony sense” has become a buzzword in our daily life and cultural consumption, people put more and more emphasis on creating the “Ceremony sense” in every part of life. Additionally consumers tend to choose the brand which can brings the “Ceremony sense” and brands also try to promote by enhancing “Ceremony sense”. To some extent, the new concept has changed the consumption mode and brought it into a brand new world.
The thesis is mainly discuss about the “Ceremony sense” and describe its meaning with examples, also show the relationship between “Ceremony sense” and consuming, “Ceremony sense” and brand establishing.
Keyword: Ceremony, Ceremony Sense, Ceremony Communication, Cutural Consumption
目 录
绪 论 4
第一章 仪式的含义 5
一、 仪式概述 5
二、 仪式的类型 6
三、 仪式的特征 7
四、 仪式的功能 8
第二章 仪式的传播 10
一、 有关“传播” 10
二、 作为传播的仪式 10
三、 作为仪式的传播 11
第三章 仪式感对于品牌塑造的影响 12
一、 如何塑造仪式感 12
二、 品牌中仪式感的塑造过程 12
三、 仪式感在品牌中的体现 13
四、 仪式感与品牌忠诚 15
第四章 仪式感与文化消费 16
一、 仪式感改变消费观念 16
二、 仪式感促进消费行为 18
三、 仪式感与文化消费相辅相成 19
结 语 19
致 谢 20
参考文献 21
绪 论研究目的和意义