
    摘 要:淮安古镇旅游应结合庙会文化,由浅入深,将观光旅游引深发展成为文化体验游。探索淮安历史文化古镇资料,从淮安古镇旅游发展时空分布不均,节事旅游、美食养生游、结合民俗风情的文化展示游、游轻松度假游,“食住行游购娱”一体化商业产业链几个方面,在弘扬淮安古镇文化同时将庙会文化的古老精髓潜移默化的融入到体验游中;用文化旅游带动商业产业链的发展与繁荣,促进淮安旅游业的发展;调整以慈云寺文庙为核心的建筑群体建造分布,对淮安慈云寺古镇庙会进行研究与浅析。集中展示历史文化资源,展示宗教活动,娱乐、旅游、商业购物及休闲游憩等功能于一体的历史文化风貌区和文化旅游区。57373

    毕业论文关键词:  淮安,古镇旅游,慈云寺庙会旅游

    Abstract: Huaian ancient town tourism should be combined with the temple fair culture, from the shallower to the deeper, the tourism deeply become culture experience tour, explore the history and culture of Huaian Town, Huaian town of tourism development from the uneven distribution of time and space, festival tourism, Food travel health, combined with folk customs culture exhibition tour, swim relaxed holiday travel, "live tour entertainment purchased the" integration of the business industry chain aspects, in carrying forward the culture of ancient town in Huaian at the same time, temple fair culture ancient essence influence character by environment into the experience tourism; cultural tourism development and the prosperity of commercial industrial chain, promoting the development of tourism in Huaian; adjust construction group to Ciyun Temple Confucious'temple as the core to build distribution research and Analysis on, Huaian Ciyun Temple ancient temple. Concentrated display of historical and cultural resources, display of religious activities, entertainment, tourism shopping performances and recreational and other functions in one of the areas with historical cultural features and cultural tourism zone.

    keywords:  Huaian, ancient town tourism, tourism Ciyun Temple

    目   录

    1  前言 3

    文献回顾 3

    3  淮安古镇庙会历史概况 4

    3.1  古镇旅游资源类型丰富,但空间分布不均衡 5

    3.2  古镇旅游资源类型丰富,但时间分布不均衡 6

    4  古镇旅游产品开发策略 6

    4.1  节事旅游 7

    4.2  美食养生游 7

    4.3  结合民俗风情游的文化展示游 8

    4.4  轻松度假游 8

    5  一体化商业经济产业链 9

    5.1  食 9

    5.2  住 9

    5.3  行10

    5.4  游10

    5.5  购 12

    5.6  娱 13

    结论  14

    参考文献  15

    致谢  16

     1  前言 

    淮安古镇是有着近千年的文明古城,其传统的民俗文化,精湛的古典建筑,传奇的人文轶事,珍贵的文化遗产,隆兴的商贸盛景,特色的饮食文化,以及闻名遐迩的古镇风貌成为淮安特有的优势资源。近期文庙更以文化产业的大发展大繁荣提升古镇的档次和品位[1]。文庙古镇以其建设盘锦最具特色,最富活力的文化产业门户,全力打造全国知名的历史文化名镇和国家级的文化产业,以加快淮河古渡航运文化、宗教文化、古战场文化、名点小吃文化、民俗文化古镇文化与庙会旅游文化深度融合。全力推进历史古镇文化和庙会旅游文化的产业基地的建设,建设食住行游购娱一体化的商业产业圈。为了让淮安源远流长的清江浦文化、文庙的传统民俗文化得以传承延续和发展壮大,用庙会旅游带动古镇文化旅游,合而成独具特色的“淮安古镇庙会旅游”。让庙会旅游与古镇旅游相辅相成,共同进步,为宣扬淮安古老文化增光添彩。 我通过查阅相关文献、探索淮安历史文化古镇资料,从淮安古镇旅游发展时空分布不均,节事旅游、文化旅游、美食养生游、文化民俗风情游轻松度假游,“食住行游购娱”一体化商业产业链几个方面,对淮安慈云寺古镇庙会进行研究与浅析。

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