

    毕业论文关键词:大学生 ,宿舍 ,人际关系

    Abstract:College students during the years of college life, dormitory is the one of the most important place. The dormitory relations are all college students must face the problem, a harmonious dormitory relations are very important to college students' physical and mental development. The dormitory is the place that college students directly involved in the communication, also is the time to participate in the most room in university career. Dormitory interpersonal relationship has become a problem of university students cannot be ignored, affects students' learning, life and health development. In this paper, using the questionnaire, collected a part of the college students' perceptions of the dormitory interpersonal relationship. The purpose of this paper is to study college students' dormitory relations and its problems and influence factors of the current, the influence of the college students for the dormitory others the solution of the problem and attitude and dormitory. Hope to be able to help the establishment of the college students' harmonious interpersonal relationship, is helpful to the construction of a harmonious campus, help the students' socialization.

    Keywords:College, Dormitory, Interpersonal relationships

    1 前言 3

    2 研究设计 3

    2.1 研究对象 3

    2.2 研究方法 3

    2.3 研究工具 4

    3 大学生宿舍关系 5

    3.1 宿舍关系的现状 5

    3.2 宿舍关系存在的问题 6

    3.3 产生宿舍问题的原因 7

    3.4 宿舍关系矛盾的对策 8

    结论 9

    参考文献 10

    致谢 11

    1 前言我国医学心理学家丁瓒指出:人类的心理适应最主要的就是对人际关系的适应,人类的心理病态是由人际关系的失调引发的[ ]。前几年的调查显示,宿舍人际交往已经成为大学生心理问题的的最重要的因素。大学时代是人生最关键的时期,大学生在大学生涯中不断学习新的知识、技能等,但大学也是一个小社会,大学生在其中学习到的最重要的是与人交往的能力,宿舍关系已经严重影响大学生的学习、生活和成长。据统计,“大学生在宿舍中的活动时间出去睡眠,每天仍有5.72个小时在宿舍活动,如果加上睡眠时间,每天几乎有一半以上的时间是在宿舍度过的”,宿舍已经成为大学生最重要的场地[ ]。近年来,我们在新闻上看到好几起大学生宿舍惨案,这是因为越来越多的大学生因为无法正确对待宿舍里的关系。以吵架或者打闹的方式来解决宿舍问题虽然不可取,但比那些惨案里的一言不合就投毒或者谋杀舍友要好很多。近年来的数起宿舍惨案引起了社会的广放关注,面对这样的现实,不仅仅是家庭长辈、学校老师需要考虑教育中的问题,更需要社会的反思。

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