


    The analysis of entertainment products group buying and marketing strategy

    Abstract With the continuous popularization and development of network group buying, the project has been persified, and the group buying has gradually infiltrated into the traditional leisure and entertainment fields. In this paper, we first introduce the entertainment network group purchase mode, operation process, development status, and analyzes the problems existing in the present stage entertainment products to buy and design and implementation of the survey, then to the investigation results of the data analysis, and then summarize entertainment products to the consumer demand. Then briefly introduces the marketing 4P theory, and then combined with the 4P theory for the current situation of entertainment products and the existing problems, the entertainment products business and group buying website put forward marketing suggestions and improvement methods.

    Keywords: entertainment products group buying ; marketing strategy;


    0引言 1

    1  娱乐产品网络团购介绍及发展现状 2

       1.1娱乐产品网络团购介绍 2

       1.2网络团购国内外现状分析 3

       1.3娱乐产品网络团购问题 5

    2娱乐产品网络团购消费者行为特征调查与分析 6

       2.1市场调查方案设计与实施 6

       2.2调查数据分析 7

       2.3娱乐产品消费者需求特征分析 9

    3基于4P理论娱乐产品网络团购营销策略的研究 11

       3.1 4P理论的概述 11

       3.2 4P理论在娱乐产品网络团购上的应用 12

    结  论 15

    致  谢 16

    参考文献 17



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