
    摘 要:近几年来,淮安市房地产市场由于经济发展和房地产政策影响,发展受到抑制,很多大型房地产企业也开始扩展到三线城市,使得淮安市房地产市场竞争更加激烈。此次设计以此为背景,设计内容为“淮安清江华府2期住宅楼营销策划”。设计编写以房地产营销学理论为指导,以地区房地产市场为背景,以项目可操作性为基础。营销策划主要通过对市场和消费者的调查分析,对项目进行市场定位和目标客户群定位,然后确定产品定位,产品定位又包括产品的规划定位和建筑定位。最终,以市场比较法为主要技术参数求取项目销售价格,并根据项目情况和市场情况,制定销售周期和市场推广方案。在市场推广策略中,不同销售阶段采用不同的推广策略,以期达到最佳销售量。60023


    Abstract: In recent years ,In recent years, Huaian City real estate market because of the economic development and the real estate policy, inhibited the development, many large real estate companies began to expand to three line city, the Huaian real estate market is becoming more and more fierce. This design is based on this background, the design content for the "Huaian Qingjiang Washington 2 residential building marketing planning". The design of writing on the real estate marketing theory as the guide, to the real estate market as the background, taking the project operational basis. Marketing planning mainly through the investigation and analysis to the market and consumers, the market positioning and target customers positioning of the project, and then determine the product positioning, product positioning and planning and construction of the product positioning. Finally, the market comparison method for calculating the project sales price of the main technical parameters, and according to the situation and market situation of project, make the sales cycle and market promotion plan. In the marketing strategy, marketing stage adopt different marketing strategy, in order to achieve the best sales.

    Key words: marketing planning, market comparison approach,market promotion

    1  设计选题说明 4

    1.1  选题依据 4

    1.2  设计项目概况 4

    1.3  设计目的和要求 4

    1.4  设计资料来源 4

    1.5  设计重点和难点 4

    1.6  设计实现的可能性分析 5

    2  设计依据 5

    2.1  理论与方法 5

    2.2  规范与标准 12

    2.3  参考文献选用 13

    3  设计的技术路线 13

    3.1  主要方法 13

    3.2  技术参数 13

    3.3  数据的处理 14

    3.4  计算过程 14

    4  设计成果分析 20

    4.1  设计结论分析 20

    4.2  设计可行性分析 21

    5  设计的价值 21

    5.1  对专业学习的价值 21

    5.2  对今后工作的价值 21

    结  论

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