
    摘 要:改革开放以来,我国房地产市场发展日趋成熟,房地产行业的竞争也日趋激烈,已逐渐成为我国国民经济的支柱型产业。随着我国政府对房地产市场的不断深入改革。房地产买方市场也已逐渐形成,消费者开始走向成熟和理性化,对住宅的需求在不断的提高。因此,房地产营销策划作为房地产开发中的一个重要环节和手段,也开始受到开发商们的重视。本文以高淳雅居乐花园策划方案为例,介绍在国家政策、营销环境和项目本身发展等因素的影响下,如何运用营销策划,实现房地产销售效益的最大化。60194


    Abstract: Since the reform and opening up, China's real estate market development has become increasingly mature, the real estate industry competition is increasingly fierce, has gradually become the pillar industry of the national economy. Along with our country government the deepening of the reform on the real estate market. Real estate buyer's market has gradually formed, consumers began to mature and rational, the demand for housing is constantly improving. Therefore, real estate marketing planning as an important link and means in the real estate development, has begun to have drawn the attention of the developers. Taking Gaochun agile garden planning schemes, for example, is introduced in the national policy, the marketing environment and the development of the project itself under the influence of factors such as, how to use marketing planning, realizing the maximization of benefit of real estate sales.

    Keywords: marketing planning, marketing environment, real estate sales

    1  设计选题说明 4

    1.1  选题依据 4

    1.2  设计项目概况 4

    1.3  设计目的和要求 5

    1.4  数据资料选取 5

    1.5  设计重点和难点 5

    1.6 设计实现可能性分析 6

    2  设计依据 6

    2.1  理论与方法 6

    2.2  规范和标准 6

    2.3  参考文献选用 7

    3  设计的技术路线 7

    3.1  技术路线 7

    4  设计成果分析 7

    4.1  设计结论分析 7

    4.2  设计可行性分析 7

    5  设计的价值 8

    5.1  对专业学习的作用 8

    5.2  对社会工作的作用 8

    5.3  本人对设计的作用 8

    结论 9

    致谢 10

    参考文献 11

    1  设计选题说明

    1.1  选题依据


    1.2  设计项目概况


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