
    摘  要:互联网技术的快速发展,带动了移动应用的发展,信息时代居民的社会生活也越来越方便快捷,手机银行逐渐走入人们的日常生活。农业银行手机银行不但为顾客提供了简洁的转账方式,并附带了掌上彩票,电影购票,交通罚款,商旅服务,网点服务等一系列业务,如东农业银行在同行业中占据市场份额较大,更具有潜在的竞争力。农业银行的手机银行已经能适应市场上大部分的智能手机,不管是普通手机的安卓系统,还是苹果手机的iOS系统都可以正常安装使用此款APP。对银行来说,手机银行能帮助银行为顾客带来更快捷的服务,提升银行在市场上的竞争力。在此环境下,本文采用调查问卷的方法进行相关调查,通过对如东农行手机银行现状的分析,发现在价格策略、产品策略等方面存在的问题,最后针对问题提出进一步的改进方法和营销策略。 61459


    Abstract:Rapid development of Internet technology. Led to the development of mobile applications. Life of people in this information era is making great progress constantly and mobile banking has come into more people’s daily lives. Mobile banking of Agricultural Bank of China not only provides customers with a more convenient way of bank transfer. But also has a series of other services including movie tickets, traffic fines, business services, network service, and so on. Which has made our bank more competitive than other banks and has got a bigger market share as a result. This mobile banking system adapts to almost all the mobile phones in the market like Android system of most mobile phones and Apple iso system. For banks, mobile banking will help the bank to bring customers more efficient services to enhance the bank's competitiveness in the market. In this environment, this method questionnaire survey, through the analysis of the present situation of the Agricultural Bank of Rudong mobile phone bank, found in the price strategy, product strategy and other aspects of the problem, and finally put forward the improvement methods and marketing strategies to solve the problem of further. 

    Keywords:Agricultural Bank of China, mobile banking, marketing strategy

    1  前言 3

    2  理论基础 3

    2.1  营销策略的概念及发展 3

    2.2  手机银行的相关概述 3

    3  如东农业银行手机银行的现状及问题分析 4

    3.1  如东农业银行简介 4

    3.2  如东农行手机银行现状 4

    3.3  如东农行手机银行服务感知分析 6

    4  如东农业银行营销策略建议 12

    4.1  优化产品功能 12

    4.2  降低收费标准 12

    4.3  加强广告宣传 12

    4.4  多种方式促销 13

    结  论 14

    参考文献 15

    致  谢 16

    附  录 17

    1  前言

    手机银行(Mobile Banking)是银行业近年来推出的服务,包含了多种银行金融业务,不但没有时间地点的限制,同时也丰富了银行服务内容,更加方便了人民群众,成为了一种快捷,方便,安全的创新型服务。在各大银行都在改革与发展的时代,农业银行作为国有四大银行之一也毫不落后,不断提高自己的服务创新水平。手机银行就是农业银行在创新过程中一项不错的产物,农行根据自身的特点推出相应的手机银行业务,达到客户需求的同时实现既定目标的经营管理

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